Monday, December 15, 2008


Well can you believe it Williston, ND has snow and it is not going anywhere. Over the weekend we ended up getting a record 13.2 inches of snow and well its not going to go away. So much for Global Warming. I will post pictures later. I don't know who and how many people look at my blog but if you do then please go to and go to jaycekringen. He is back at Rochester and going through 4 weeks of Radiation. Please send him a message and let him and his family know that you are praying for him or if you want to can donate money to his account and that will help his family out with the medical and gas and hotel bills etc. They don't let you eat with your son for free at the clinic you get charged for it. So any little bit helps. I know its tight this year we all feel it, but it is christmas and if you could go with out a gift this year it would help out alot. I believe it giving not recieving gifts. So for all who donate Bless you, for all who don't bless you too. I don't want anyone to go without this year so if it is tight than send a note and say that you are praying for him and his family. Enough of me preaching. I will post again with pictures of our snow. I want it to warm up it is -22 here and the wind chill is -49 so its cooooooollllllllddddddd. later gators.

1 comment:

TressaMOMof3 said...

Well you know as well as I do, that we got 14 inches here. We upped your 13.2 inches. hehehe