Wednesday, December 10, 2008


Hello folks,

Sorry I have not written in a long time but for 2 loooooooooooooooooooooooonnnnnnnnnnnnnnngggggggggggggggggggg weeks my computer has been in the fix it shop. So where to start. Well for one thing we are now owners of a 2008 Town and Chrysler Touring brand new and we loooooooooooove it. My sister will get to see it this Saturday when I go to Minot for Pics of the children. If it does not storm. I had Thanksgiving this year with my parents in law oh for fun (not really) My mom in law is very critical sometimes she puts me down and my house but will she stay at a hotel NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO I say if you stay here then shut up or get out (i did not say it to her face but after she left I did) Jayce Kringen is leaving on Sunday to go back to Rochester for Chemo and Radiation. The surgery was a success and now the hard part. Keep him in your prayers again. He is so brave. So about my computer of course Brian had to unplug everything like I previously posted before we left for Vacation. but I think that he is responsible for ruining the computer oh well I got my tree up and Alek was hoping for presents under the tree the next morning but soon honey soon. I am a really bad typer due to the fact I had no computer for 2 weeks. It was nice though to spend time with my kids. We needed a new motherboard and a power supply which with taxes came to 195.40 yeah. So about my new van well we finished the old bad tank of gas and filled up with fresh williston gas and well one day when I was on the HElloway it started putting around again and I told Brian that I cannot trust this van with the kids in the van and he agreed and we were going to get a new van anyways when tax time came around but well it came sooner than we expected. Did you know that even if I don't have a job I can be a Co applicant on the loan. I did not know that. HUH Well in the shopper that I read on Monday 11-24-08 they had a brand new 2008 Chrysler town and country touring and it was with all the rebates was 5000 off and I said lets do it. (only in a weird voice kinda Mexican voice) Well we did and on Tuesday 11-25-08 we got it. WE all love it. Brian got a new job with the same company he is now a dispatcher and is off the trucks so he is home every night and it is wonderful no more wondering how am I suppose to keep warm yippee and he gets every other weekend off 3 whole days. Well I have now updated you all on my whole 2 weeks. later

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