Monday, December 15, 2008


Well can you believe it Williston, ND has snow and it is not going anywhere. Over the weekend we ended up getting a record 13.2 inches of snow and well its not going to go away. So much for Global Warming. I will post pictures later. I don't know who and how many people look at my blog but if you do then please go to and go to jaycekringen. He is back at Rochester and going through 4 weeks of Radiation. Please send him a message and let him and his family know that you are praying for him or if you want to can donate money to his account and that will help his family out with the medical and gas and hotel bills etc. They don't let you eat with your son for free at the clinic you get charged for it. So any little bit helps. I know its tight this year we all feel it, but it is christmas and if you could go with out a gift this year it would help out alot. I believe it giving not recieving gifts. So for all who donate Bless you, for all who don't bless you too. I don't want anyone to go without this year so if it is tight than send a note and say that you are praying for him and his family. Enough of me preaching. I will post again with pictures of our snow. I want it to warm up it is -22 here and the wind chill is -49 so its cooooooollllllllddddddd. later gators.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008


Hello folks,

Sorry I have not written in a long time but for 2 loooooooooooooooooooooooonnnnnnnnnnnnnnngggggggggggggggggggg weeks my computer has been in the fix it shop. So where to start. Well for one thing we are now owners of a 2008 Town and Chrysler Touring brand new and we loooooooooooove it. My sister will get to see it this Saturday when I go to Minot for Pics of the children. If it does not storm. I had Thanksgiving this year with my parents in law oh for fun (not really) My mom in law is very critical sometimes she puts me down and my house but will she stay at a hotel NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO I say if you stay here then shut up or get out (i did not say it to her face but after she left I did) Jayce Kringen is leaving on Sunday to go back to Rochester for Chemo and Radiation. The surgery was a success and now the hard part. Keep him in your prayers again. He is so brave. So about my computer of course Brian had to unplug everything like I previously posted before we left for Vacation. but I think that he is responsible for ruining the computer oh well I got my tree up and Alek was hoping for presents under the tree the next morning but soon honey soon. I am a really bad typer due to the fact I had no computer for 2 weeks. It was nice though to spend time with my kids. We needed a new motherboard and a power supply which with taxes came to 195.40 yeah. So about my new van well we finished the old bad tank of gas and filled up with fresh williston gas and well one day when I was on the HElloway it started putting around again and I told Brian that I cannot trust this van with the kids in the van and he agreed and we were going to get a new van anyways when tax time came around but well it came sooner than we expected. Did you know that even if I don't have a job I can be a Co applicant on the loan. I did not know that. HUH Well in the shopper that I read on Monday 11-24-08 they had a brand new 2008 Chrysler town and country touring and it was with all the rebates was 5000 off and I said lets do it. (only in a weird voice kinda Mexican voice) Well we did and on Tuesday 11-25-08 we got it. WE all love it. Brian got a new job with the same company he is now a dispatcher and is off the trucks so he is home every night and it is wonderful no more wondering how am I suppose to keep warm yippee and he gets every other weekend off 3 whole days. Well I have now updated you all on my whole 2 weeks. later

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Great News

Jayce Kringen is out of surgery and he is coming home next week. The got to take the whole tumor out which gives him a great chance of recovery with chemo and radiation. I know I speak for their whole family when I say thank you for all of the prayers and they will still need the prayers in the months to come. I will keep you posted. The most embarrassing thing happened tonight at Applebee well I guess it is not embarrassing but still David had projectile vomit there I think he has stomach flu which I hope he does or he got food poisoning from the pop. So as I was leaving I heard the lovely hostesses discussing out loud that they did not want to clean up throw up. I should of told them that I cleaned it up that is why I asked for 2 wet towels and anyways it was all over him and me. So puke on you. Well I better go now. Later folks OH Yeah I forgot I got my Satellite receiver back and thank you god. But I have now figured out that I like to watch fox and Dr Phil so puke on you Satellite.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

IM BACK!!!!!

Hello all I have missed you while I was in Minneapolis. HA HA My Michigan won and My Vikings won wooooohooooooo. I had a blast shopping and eating out no more for a long long long long long long time. Anyways I came back and well we ended up getting bad gas in our van and well we have to wait to run it out before we can fill it up again. And my husband decided before we left to unplug TV and stuff and computer and well when we came back I tried to turn on my Satellite and well the hard drive is fried. So now I have to watch 2 channels which are very fuzzy thanks to my son Alek who threw a soft soccer ball up to the ceiling and fall on our antennas now I can not even get them back clear. Well on a sad note one of Aleks friends and Viktorias Friend brother Jayce Kringen well he is in desperate need of prayers they found a brain tumor and he is down in Rochester to Mayo clinic and having surgery and then I found out today that it is Brain Cancer he is only 7 and one of Aleks best friends. They love playing together. I know that his parents are praying hard and so am I and my family. I don't know how I could go through that without God and my faith. I just pray and hope that he gets better. Will keep you posted through out the ordeal.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Trying to beat the storm

We are leaving today because of a huge winter storm coming tonight. It is suppose to be really bad in the central part of the state and we have to go through there to get to fargo tomorrow so I called the hotel we are staying at and asked if we could have the same room tonight and tomorrow he said no problem thank you super 8. We got a huge room with a king bed and a double bed and a sofa bed. Then this morning I heard coughing outside my room and I opened the door and David said I puke. So then I cleaned it up it was not much so now I have a sick kid trying to pack getting things situated for our trip and now a sick kid better take plastic bags and towels oh boy. I hope it doesn't go to the whole family. Well we have 4 new years of a brand new president. Thank you for all who voted. I am proud to say that I did vote for Obama and thank god he won. I hope he will do good in January. Well I better go now and finish up packing. Im taking alot of pics and will post them when I get back next thursday.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Halloween Fun

Halloween was a blast the kids enjoyed it alot it started at 345 and me and my friend Julie went to Trail of Treats and she is alot like me she trips alot (like to know that there are more people out there like me make me feel less stupid) Then we went home and ate dinner and went around the block and my children had melt downs so came home around 730 and about an hour later put the kiddos to bed and relaxed then I went to bed about 1000 holy cow thats early. But the children got up I hid their treat bags and then made breakfast and then let them dig into the candy so now there candy is all gone and thank you god so is mine. Now is the time for a diet......... well after my Vacation which is in 3 more days YIPPEEEEEEEEE. I don't have any pictures of the children in their Halloween costumes because when Brian left for Alberta he took the camera I will though get them back in and take some more they will love it... Hope to post pics soon.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008


I wonder what my youngest son saw in his room. He freaked out over a fly on the ceiling and thank God that when I threw up my slipper the fly decided to stay and die. he was a good fly but his life was cut short by a slipper. Then after I tucked them into bed (Alek and David) David started to cry and yell about spiders, he came out and was really upset about spiders and I asked him to show me the spiders he kept pointing to the ceiling and I said there is no spiders there I checked under the beds no spiders. The I tucked them in again and as soon as I got Viktoria into bed I heard Spiders. So I then went back in there and said that there are no spiders in there because they are in the garbage. "lets see" SO then I took David to the garbage and tried to show him some specs in the garbage that I called spiders. He wanted me to dig in the garbage and show him I said no way your stinky diapers are in there. So then I once again tucked them both into bed and I atleast got about 10 mins alone before yup you guessed it spiders. I then told David that there are no spiders in the room because the cats eat the spiders where he said I said that its in there tummy and then I tickled his tummy and he finally went to bed and so far so good no more spiders in his mind but Alek did say that he wanted to see the spiders in the morning you know mom the spiders that are in the garbage. Please God put some spiders (fake ones please) in my garbage just to pacify my 2 wonderful and fearful sons. I love them and I love my daughter. One year ago I thought I would loose my wonderful Alek, he had to be hospitalized for severe croup. It was the most scariest thing I have ever want to feel again. The worst of it was just sitting there and watching him trying to catch his breath waiting on the slow doctor Alek starting to panic and was just looking at us and wondering why weren't we helping. Finally the Respiratory Nurse God Bless him said screw it we have to do something or we will loose him. Hearing those words I almost had to leave the room but all I could do is smile at Alek and scream inside. But no more on the past he is fine and healthy and the jumpiest kid I know, and is so sweet. I love him and David and Vik and Brian sooooooooooooooooooooo Much It will never overflow. Now my husband hugs me more because I have always told him I like to hug (see ladies they do listen) My boys hug me all the time they really love the tight hugs. But I suppose I need to get my hugged body to bed. Love you all....... Stephanie Kay Chinquist

Gone again

Big news my husband is gone again this time he is going to Beaverlodge Alberta Canada that is 17 hours away. 959 miles one way. So no trick or treating for him and again I have to do it by my self. I did buy him a costume but I am returning it and Alek decided to be a cop and Viktoria decided to be Hanna Montana ( I really don't like her Hanna montana) So I have to return 3 costumes and that is ok I don't have the reciepts but I have to buy cat litter and cat food and bones for my dog. I will just trade out hopefully or get a gift card whatever. I am sad that he has to be gone but thats all right more money for our trip. Which is in 8 days WHOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOO still no spa but that is ok I still get an hour massage and a pedicure. Maybe I will get my hair done too in Minneapolis who knows I am just excited to go to a big city that for the first 4 years of our marrige we went there almost every other weekend. It was great. I am excited to shop shop and more shop. To see the Michigan Wolverines kick the Minnestoa gophers butt, and to see the Vikings kick packers butt. I am excited that I don't have to make up my own bed (but I will) and that Kids eat free at the Holiday Inn. I will have to take pictures of everything oh boy I wish I had a better camera but one day soon. I will have to not write anything when I get back and just post pictures. Hey have you guessed that I am excited. My sister is taking care of my dog and so we are leaving on Thursday at 7:00 in the morning that means I have to get everybody up at 6:00 but they can sleep in the car if they want. I have a lot to do so I better get a head on it I am a bit of a procrastinator. OH well.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Decision time

Well yesterday I was in a horrible mood. I paid bills, well guess what I over spent again (it happens alot) So I had to cut down on my minimum payments on my Credit Cards, and then rearrange some other stuff. So today I am Chilaxin. Now if I was my husband I would feel stupid. He got paid 3 times in August and I wanted to pay off our credit cards that have small balances he said no lets pay a big amount on our big balances I said why. He said and I quote " that makes no sense to pay off our small bills when the big ones need the most attention" No way did he say that not to rag on men but STUPID he does not know, he does not pay the bills, he does not know he does not know. So my logic behind it was lets get the small ones out of the way so we can pay more on the big ones. when I asked him that over the phone it was really quiet so quiet I could hear crickets. Now I think back and I wonder if he thinks back and realize how stupid it was not to get some cards out of the way instead of still paying on them and the big balance ones. (big sign and I did roll my eyes) it still bothers me. Well ladies I have decided not to get the 6 hour spa, I am going to just get an hour and a pedicure, I know I am sad too but it will save us money and maybe I can guilt him into some stuff. I also think Brian gets paid again three times in January so I will not tell him what I am doing, when I pay off our credit cards. Well I know that I am going to vote next tuesday but still undecided. Time to go and eat. Blog more later.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

The reason for Grounding

The reason why Viktoria is grounded until we get back from Minneapolis is because a couple of weeks ago she decieded to go over to her friends house and they were going to the International inn to swim and I told her well are you spending the night she said I don't know and well finally at 12:30 in the morning she called me and said yes she will spend the night. Ok I was just too tired to care, then I called her on Saturday morning and I had to go and pick up Brian who was in town for a couple of hours yippee anyways I asked if she wanted to go with us out to lunch and she said no I want to play but let her know when I get back (whose the mom here). So when I got back I called her and she said that she wanted to still play it was about 3:00 in the afternoon I said ok call me later. She called back at 6:00 and said that they wanted to go to the International inn and swim again I said well you better be back at 10:30 cuz my door locks at that time. She said ok. 10:30 came and went and then so did 12:00 at night and then I said @#$@#$!# it I am going to bed at 12:45 AM. Then morning came and she called home at 12:00 in the afternoon. I told her to get home and that I want her home right away. She came home and the night before Brian and I agreed that we have to put our foot down and stick to it so we came up with this punishment (for us). I told her what she had to do and of course she threw a big huge fit like she was 2 years old and someone took her toy. She had to clean her room in order for her to watch tv. She had to do her homework and barely talk to me that day. She can no longer go over to her friends house at night because she will not come home. (this is after she is done being grounded.) She can no longer spend the night there unless I have 2 days notice. If she breaks any rule she will be staying with her grandma and not going with us to Minneapolis. (This is why I need the 6 hour spa). Well that is why she got grounded and that is it.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Cupcake Photos

Here are the pics of the Cupcake party we ended up having even though my daughter is grounded until we get back from Minneapolis. When you get to the individual cupcake shots I don't know whose is whose but I do know that Aleks cupcake is not on there he decided to eat his before I could get a picture. Thats my boy.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Cupcake party.

I was courageous and had my daughter have the neighborhood girls over today for a cupcake party. It was just 4 (including Vik) and then I ended up with a total of 7 kids of course there were 2 of mine but the girls brothers came too. Which is all right due to the fact that if they did not come I would of have 48 cupcakes. Thank God! well I will post pics tomorrow I am exhausted. I had to clean this morning and then clean again when the party was over. I did rent 2 movies the Barbie and the castle movie and the golden compass. I made totinos pizza and that took the longest and David takes off his diaper just to try to look at his butt. (must be a man thing) Write later. Hey it is 23 more days until my 6 hour spa. Later ladies

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

My daughter finally took a good school picture

I just cannot believe that my daughter is in 3rd grade and I got her school pictures and they are good pics. I will right another blog later enjoy her picture

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Im Excited

YIPPEE in one month I will be making a trip of the year, I am going to Minneapolis to see a gopher game and a Viking game. Yes I will be having a 6 hour spa OOOOOOOOH I am so excited to get pampered for 6 hours. Just so that I don't scare them I will shave my legs. I am so excited to sleep in a hotel and not have to worry about making the beds, cleaning the floor. (I do pick up if it is really messy) I do feel bad about leaving my dog with my sister. Thank you again sis for watching her. About the playstation we called and told a lie :( But they sent us a box and we are sending it back to get fixed if it can't get fixed they will give us a refurbished one. Anyways I am excited to goooooooooooooooo shopping at the mall of America. Oh and see Brians family out there. I am also excited cuz at the hotel the kids stay and eat for free in their resturant so we will be eating there alot but also at the Mall and Its Greek to me. THen I will come back home 50 lbs heavier but will be so relaxed after my 6 hour spa. Hey did I tell you guys that I get a 6 hour spa treatment, without children or husband hmm did I mention that to you guys. Well enough bragging. After it is done I will let you know how it went. Enjoy the nice temps cuz its gonna get cold time for the heat and lose more money. Since the Vikings won yesterday I am excited to see them play. I just hope they win then too, but you can't have it all since I am having a 6 hour spa that includes a 1 hour massage, a facial, lunch, Instant manicure treatment, a signature manicure, signature pedicure, hair cut and style, and a gift that is worth 50 dollars. I get alllllllllll that for 6 hours all for 250.00. That is great. Well time to eat Chat more with you later.

Friday, October 3, 2008

Going out of town

I am so excited to see my sister who I have not seen or been at her house since July 4th weekend and well we had a blast Maybe we could have a bondfire ;) Get drunk and just be silly. Just kidding on the silly part. Ha Ha (its the drunk.) Alek is soooo excited to see Josh. I think that is why he got up this morning at 7 as did David and Vik (she had to) But that is ok. I am just excited. I have to pack now and maybe I ll write more later. THIS IS A WARNING TO MY SISTER I AM COMING TO YOUR HOUSE SO BE AFRAID BE VERY AFRAID.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Things that go wrong

Oops a couple of months ago I bought from ebay for my husband for his birthday a playstation 3 and now it won't work. OMG the stupidist thing I did was buy it from ebay. When you buy from ebay they don't give you a reciept and the playstation website will help you but they need your reciept well now Brian wants to buy a new one and we don't have the money due to our trip and 6 hour spa day. The other thing is we have a boom town here and well you would think that the Mcdonalds here in town would get orders right All I wanted today is 10 chicken nuggets and a pop well I got fries too but I gave them to my son and When I got home i got a fish sandwich :( I am not happy at all. I do think that I should get my money back but that is the sad reality on the McDonalds in Williston, ND But enough about that I planned a bbq tonight with our neighbor friends (giving a shout out to Tim and Julie) The bbq is not until Nov 1st but that is ok. It will be fun even if there is snow out there. Well time for bed I am tired and for some dumb reason my fingers will not type. Thank god for the Backspace or Delete button. Someday I will type what I really type. Later Gaters

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Stupid Football/Lovely kid day

I have this love hate relationship with the MN Vikings. I have tickets to there game in November and don't want to go. The hubby and the kids want to and I want to go to get shopping and a 6 hour spa treatment ahhhh i am excited to be away from my children for 6 hours. Anyways Tonight my children were hiding and I said get to bed and they didn't so when I went in there they yelled boo... then my oldest she said mom we wanted to scare you, I said well if you wanted to scare me then you should of yelled come and find us. As we were talking my youngest came out of the closet (ha ha) and he started to hop on his knees (ouch) and say ribbet ribbet. Then they went into bed and they were jumping and David hit his knee on the edge of his bed it was already bruising poor thing. Well I suppose post later enjoy more pictures.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008


I am not a germaphobic but since my son Alek has started Preschool he enjoys going to the Water fountain and drinking from it and now he has a cough. When we drop Alek off and start to leave then David want a drink and now he has a runny green boogery nose. I believe that no amount of bleach, ammonia or any chemical will get the germs off of a water fountain. I don't know why they don't bann them. Hey I know they should bann them and get regular water where you have to get a cup and then turn on the water, and so on. Well this is it I have a few more pics to post enjoy them they are my children.

Friday, September 19, 2008


Do you ever wonder about what are going through your childrens minds while they are playing. My 2 boys this afternoon were playing cars and trucks then all of a sudden beanie baby became a monster. The cars and trucks then took refuge underneith the cushion of a chair. I don't know what happened next because they got distracted. My hubby is a good man, he does alot and takes alot. He lets me stay at home right now because daycare for 3 kids would be horible. Anyways I wonder what goes through his head when I yell at him to do something. Alot of times we argue in the middle of the night because I tell him to move to the other side because he is snoring and if he goes to his right side he quits anyways he will say something like you move to the right side. I always say oh just shut up and turn or why do you have to breath on me. I wonder what my kids think when I start singing. I bet they are thinking why are you doing this to us.