Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Decision time

Well yesterday I was in a horrible mood. I paid bills, well guess what I over spent again (it happens alot) So I had to cut down on my minimum payments on my Credit Cards, and then rearrange some other stuff. So today I am Chilaxin. Now if I was my husband I would feel stupid. He got paid 3 times in August and I wanted to pay off our credit cards that have small balances he said no lets pay a big amount on our big balances I said why. He said and I quote " that makes no sense to pay off our small bills when the big ones need the most attention" No way did he say that not to rag on men but STUPID he does not know, he does not pay the bills, he does not know he does not know. So my logic behind it was lets get the small ones out of the way so we can pay more on the big ones. when I asked him that over the phone it was really quiet so quiet I could hear crickets. Now I think back and I wonder if he thinks back and realize how stupid it was not to get some cards out of the way instead of still paying on them and the big balance ones. (big sign and I did roll my eyes) it still bothers me. Well ladies I have decided not to get the 6 hour spa, I am going to just get an hour and a pedicure, I know I am sad too but it will save us money and maybe I can guilt him into some stuff. I also think Brian gets paid again three times in January so I will not tell him what I am doing, when I pay off our credit cards. Well I know that I am going to vote next tuesday but still undecided. Time to go and eat. Blog more later.

1 comment:

TressaMOMof3 said...

I wished you could get the 6 hour spa! You deserve it so much! Make your 3 little hellions, AHEM, kids rub your back for 2 hours each. That would work too, right??