Wednesday, September 24, 2008


I am not a germaphobic but since my son Alek has started Preschool he enjoys going to the Water fountain and drinking from it and now he has a cough. When we drop Alek off and start to leave then David want a drink and now he has a runny green boogery nose. I believe that no amount of bleach, ammonia or any chemical will get the germs off of a water fountain. I don't know why they don't bann them. Hey I know they should bann them and get regular water where you have to get a cup and then turn on the water, and so on. Well this is it I have a few more pics to post enjoy them they are my children.


Anonymous said...

Good good good......

JR Van said...

they tested water fountain water for germs on the TV show " Food Detectives" and found even water from out door ones were safe to drink out of even when the fountain it's self was covered with germs. as the way the water arches helps it not get contaminated. So its only making the kids sick if they are licking it. (not to say they wouldn't lick it.)

TressaMOMof3 said...

I love your little bloggy!